Monday, 28 July 2014

Results are out! Read about Grow Impact on Business Performance in East Africa

Grow Movement is  focused on costs and delivering impact. Each quarter Grow stops to review how much has been spent and what impact its has had on private sector development. At the end of Q1 2014 Grow had spent £146K on improving business performance in East Africa. £146K has enabled 297 clients to complete 12 sessions of business advice from a consultant by Skype, phone or email, with another 168 entrepreneurs in progress today. This has had a positive impact on over 27,000 employees and families of entrepreneurs.

With this time investment, 590 new full or part time jobs have been created. In this last quarter our clients have employed new cleaners, sales advisors, carpenters, tailors, guards, drivers and machine operators.

By connecting the skills of our business experts with our passionate and driven clients, Grow is able to improve their business performance, creating employment and increasing profitability. All it takes is the internet, a phone, commitment and open minds on both sides.

A big thank you to all of our consultants, clients and the Grow team based in country for investing their time and energy in the future of the private sector in Uganda, Rwanda and Malawi.

Team Uganda and Rwanda
Micro Finance client in Uganda