Grow Movement is collaborating with two of the world's top business schools; London Business School and Chicago Booth School of Business to measure the impact of its services on micro and small business performance in Uganda. This is an incredible opportunity for Grow to have external validation of the impact of its work. In the future this will enable Grow to influence Government policy and attract additional funding to expand.
Using a 'Randomised Control' methodology, 600 entrepreneurs starting in June 2015 will receive Grow Movement services. Their business performance will be compared against 400 entrepreneurs included the study who do not receive any consultancy until the end of 2016. Impact that will be studied include business sales, costs and profits, and household spending on assets, housing improvements, food and clothing. These outcomes will be measured at the start of the programme, and at 12 and 18 months using a new surveying methodology that combines electronic surveying technology with improvements in survey design.
Grow Movement Uganda Team will be expanded to 10 managers and operate from a new location in Kampala providing more laptops and internet access to clients than ever before.
Grow Movement will be working with its existing volunteer consultancy base to drive recruitment ready for June 2015. If you would like to be involved as a volunteer consultant, or know someone who would like to join then please follow this link.
If you are an existing Grow volunteer consultant, taking a break but would like to be involved for June 2015. Please follow this link