Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Norway, and Holland supporting Kigali Sanitation in Rwanda!

Jean Claude talking to Wouter and Himanshu
Jean Claude Ntakirutimana, a serial entrepreneur and long term client of Grow Movement runs Kigali sanitation LTD, a cleaning company which collects waste from Homes, offices and Public areas. Obsessed with business that brings about positive environmental impacts, Jean Claude continued to think out of the Box. Last year, he came up with a great idea of recycling of electronic hardware including computer which after refurbishment would be sold at a lower price to lower income earners especially in remote areas therefore promoting technology in less affluent sections of the community.
As you can imagine, this is a very ambitious Project which not only requires large Capital investment but also various  technical and managerial skills. 

Jean Claude tried different funding options; one of them is FONERWA (a groundbreaking environment and climate change fund). FONERWA is always open to funding environmental friendly projects in Rwanda provided that they come up clear documentations describing how their projects are feasible and will achieve intended outcomes.

Two of Grow Movement European Volunteers, Wouter verster ( a Finance and CRS Professional with many years of experience) and Himanshu Ardawatia who is our current European community manager stepped up to help Jean Claude with such a demanding proposal. Wouter is playing a key role in making sure that the financial numbers are accurate   and that the comments that came out of the previous review by FONERWA team are further clarified.

Eric, Rwanda Country Manager says "We are also grateful to both Wouter and Himanshu for investing their time and knowledge in making sure everything is ready according to FONERWA requirements. We are keeping all our fingers crossed for Jean Claude. If this project goes through, it will be yet again another amazing case study of how Grow Movement is inspiring entrepreneurs achieve dreams they wouldn’t have been able to achieve otherwise. Grow Movement team is extremely proud of Jean Claude for making the final phase of such a stiff competition."

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