David Krynauw has worked as a Group Account Director with leading multinational advertising
agencies; Marketing Director of a cinema exhibitor and movie distributor which
represented studios including Buena Vista International, Sony Pictures, 20th
Century Fox; and Commercial and Managing Director in the cinema advertising
industry. David’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to
start his own businesses from scratch where he personally experienced all
aspects of owning and managing a business in Australia’s highly competitive
marketplace, and all the risks and rewards associated with that. (www.proactivemedia.com.au)
When I came across Grow Movement on
LinkedIn, I was quite excited about the opportunity to become a remote business
mentor to entrepreneurs in less developed African countries. The
experience has been rewarding and challenging at the same time. The assistance
I receive from the staff at Grow Movement is fantastic. They are enthusiastic,
communicate really well and I always feel like I have their support. The briefs
are well laid out and contain a lot of detail about the challenges that my
mentees are facing, as well as general background information about Rwanda and
its economy.
My first projects were with two business
owners in Kigali. Both were very impressive and talented people. They were well
connected to influential people and organisations in Rwanda, and have ambitious
plans for their respective businesses. The challenges they faced were varied
and involved issues such as project management, business plan development,
evaluation of new business opportunities, raising capital, marketing, and many
We quickly established a great relationship
and it was clear that we all enjoyed each other’s company. Language and
communication was an issue but I expected that before we started. English was
not their first language and I could not speak French. We communicated via
Skype and found that, whenever any one of us struggled to understand the other,
we could use Skype Chat, as it is sometimes easier to follow a discussion when
it is written rather than spoken. Skype Chat also provided a good record of our
conversations with action plans for the next session. So that worked really well.
Timing was a challenge for me. I live in Australia
and there is a 9-hour time difference between Sydney and Kigali. They were
normally only available on weekends and early mornings their time, which is
around 6-8pm my time. And on weekends that's normally the time that I am about
to either go out for dinner or have people around for dinner. After a while we
suggested email conversations as then we could work in our own time, but the
emails I received were few and far between.
When I think back of the experience now we
should have spent more time initially defining exactly what they want to get
out of this relationship. They were clear about their projects, and I assumed
that my role was to review their progress and give my input and advice while we
went along this road. As we progressed I felt more and more that I was required
to provide detailed input into their plans and systems while I was not
qualified to do so based on my limited knowledge of the local market and
trading conditions. In fact, it took quite a number of sessions for me to fully
understand what they were doing, what they wanted from me, and what the local
market conditions were like. Hopefully that will improve as I gain experience
about commercial life in Rwanda.
It has been a great experience and I will
happily continue working Grow Movement. The people I have met through this work
have all been talented and enthusiastic, and I know that the work that Grow Movement
are doing in the Africa is necessary and valuable. The challenge is more for
people like me to understand what's going on at a local level and to be able to
give good advice to the talented entrepreneurs in Rwanda.
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